Nail Station Gift Cards

Plain Gift Card

Share a special Nail Station gift card to your family, friend, or special one

Congratulations Gift Card

Congratulate her for achieving a special milestone with this special gift card

Congratulations Gift Card – Arabic

Congratulate her for achieving a special milestone with this special gift card

Birthday Gift Card – Arabic

Wish her a lovely happy birthday with this special birthday Nail Station gift card

Birthday Gift Card

Wish her a lovely happy birthday with this special birthday Nail Station gift card

Yas Queen

Share a special Nail Station gift card to your family, friend, or special one

Terms & Conditions

Nail Station’s gift cards can be redeemed in any of Nail Station’s branches in Kuwait for its services and retail products, as well as NumberC food and beverage items, in the local currency in which they are denominated.
You can receive, top-up or inquire about your Nail Station Gift Card in any of our branches at the reception. You can also check via our website.
Nail Station points can be collected on redemption of the gift cards.
The Nail Station Card cannot be redeemed for cash under any circumstance.
Money uploaded in a Nail Station gift card is not transferable to another Nail Station gift card under any circumstance.
Gift Cards may be used to pay for the whole or any part of an in-store purchase or online order.
Only one gift card may be used per online order. In-store, there is no limit on the number of gift cards that may be used in one transaction.
    Your Nail Station gift card is valid for a period of 2 years from the date of activation (which for in-store shall be the date of the gift-card purchase, and for online, the date of dispatch of your order) following which they expire automatically.
A gift card cannot be used after the expiry date and any remaining balance will be removed and the card will become invalid and no longer available for use. We have no obligation to remind or inform you of a gift card’s expiry and it is your sole responsibility to ensure that any balance is used in full prior to expiry.
A Gift Card expires automatically once its balance has been exhausted. A Gift Card may be topped up with additional funds provided the gift card is still valid and has not yet expired.
Nail Station does not accept any responsibility or liability for lost, damaged, stolen or any unauthorized use of these cards.
Nail Station reserves the right to update and change the terms and condition of our Nail Station gift cards at any time and shall be binding on its customers.
Use of your Nail Station gift card constitutes acceptance of all our Terms and Conditions, and we therefore recommend you read them carefully.
Nail Station gift cards remain the property of Nail Station who maintains the right to cancel the card in its sole discretion in situations where it is deemed necessary to do so.

If you have any further questions about the Nail Station Gift Card, please call our Customer Experience team on 22289799 or you email us at [email protected]